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  • Historial

Endress+Hauser shows its colors in Spain

Sales center inaugurates a modern new building in the Barcelona region

Fecha de publicación: 06.10.2015

In the presence of representatives from politics and business and guests from the whole Endress+Hauser Group, the sales center inaugurated its new building on Saturday, 3 October 2015. Over 4,000 square meters of floor space accommodate modern offices and a canteen for employees and guests, as well as a well-equipped solutions laboratory and spacious premises for customer seminars.

“The new building allows us to improve our offering of hands-on training courses and seminars and to further strengthen our customer relations,” says Antonio Carulla, Managing Director of Endress+Hauser Spain, adding that he sees his company to be absolutely fit for the future. By the end of the year, Antonio Carulla, who has led the company since its establishment in 1990, will retire and hand over the management to his successor José Manuel Lado.

Market success in Spain through customer focus

Parallel to the inauguration of the building, the sales center also celebrated its 25th year in business. In Spain, Endress+Hauser employs more than 70 people, with 50 associates working in the new premises in the west of Barcelona.

In addition to the headquarters in Sant Cugat del Vallès, regional sales offices in Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao and Zaragoza ensure proximity to customers and markets. Most of the sales center’s customers come from the water & wastewater, food & beverage and chemical industries.

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