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Endress+Hauser expands US production

Group extends Raman analyzer production and builds new plant for temperature measurement production

Fecha de publicación: 02.06.2017

Kaiser Optical Systems, part of the Endress+Hauser Group since 2013, manufactures Raman spectroscopy devices in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The analyzers, which are designed for examining the composition and material characteristics of solids, liquids and gases, are deployed in process and in the laboratory. Endress+Hauser is pursuing a strategy that involves the employment of advanced analytical engineering in process applications and supporting customers in lab and process.

Construction of the new 9 million dollar plant took nearly one year and more than doubles the floor space to 8,100 square meters (87,000 square feet). With roughly 100 employees worldwide, Kaiser Optical Systems is thus gearing up for additional growth. “The expansion will allow us to produce our analyzers in even higher volumes and with the quality that our customers around the world demand,” emphasizes Tim Harrison, Managing Director of Kaiser Optical Systems.

Customer-specific production

In Greenwood, Indiana, where the US sales center is also headquartered, Endress+Hauser has manufactured temperature measurement technology and system products since 2008. The company has now invested more than 8 million US dollars in a 3,900 square meter (42,000 square feet) state-of-the-art production facility. The new plant will produce sensor elements, thermometers and thermowells as well as transmitters, system components and recorders.

“The new facility demonstrates Endress+Hauser’s commitment to the market and customers in North America. It shows that we are dedicated to manufacturing and providing services close to our customers,” emphasizes Patrick McGlothlen, the plant’s Managing Director. While producing for its home market in the US, the Greenwood facility also supplies customers in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile quickly and flexibly with customized products.

Strong presence in the United States

Endress+Hauser has been present in the US with its own sales center since 1970. The company relies on a dense, nationwide network of select representatives to service customers. In the US Endress+Hauser produces instrumentation for flow, level, pressure and temperature measurements, liquid analysis technology, Raman spectroscopy instruments and laser-based gas analyzers. The Group employs more than 850 people in the US.

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