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Changes to the Supervisory Board

Hans-Peter Endress, Thomas Kraus and Antonietta Pedrazzetti join administrative body

Fecha de publicación: 07.05.2014

Hans-Peter Endress (67), eldest son of company founder Dr Georg H Endress, is a Swiss citizen. He graduated from a commercial traineeship and a management program at the renowned private business school IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1980 he joined Endress+Hauser’s British business as financial director, managing the company from 1985 to 2011 in the role of Managing Director and, as Chairman, is still involved with their development today.

Klaus Endress, President of the Supervisory Board since the beginning of 2014, thanked the retiring members for their many years of service. They had been members of the independent body since 2002. “Throughout this long period they have given critical and constructive support to the work of the management team and thereby played key roles in ensuring the good development.” At the Annual General Meeting Hans-Peter Endress, Thomas Kraus and Antonietta Pedrazzetti were appointed new members.

Thomas Kraus (47) is an internationally experienced CEO. He spent a large part of his career at the logistics service provider TNT Express. Besides positions as Director of Marketing and Sales and head of the group’s marketing strategy committee he also was in charge of TNT Innight. From 2007 to 2013 he was CEO of TNT Express Deutschland. The German citizen is chairman of the association granting Germany’s most prestigious quality management award and advisor of German foodbank.

Antonietta Pedrazzetti (51) graduated from her studies in business administration majoring in finance at the University of San Diego in the United States. Since 1992 the Swiss citizen has worked for the Diagnostics division of the pharmaceutical corporation F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and has been responsible for business development with a focus on mergers and acquisitions as well as strategic projects since 2003.

Additional members of the Supervisory Board are Dr Georg Bretthauer, professor of applied IT and automation engineering, the finance expert Dr Klaus Eisele, as well as the former Chief Financial Officer of the Endress+Hauser Group, Fernando Fuenzalida. Dr Heiner Zehntner, a member of the Group’s Executive Board, is the Secretary of the Supervisory Board.


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