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LNG storage tank multipoint temperature profiling

Leak detection and cool-down monitoring

Liquefied natural gas storage tanks are a critical part of the LNG storage and transfer value chain. The complex, highly engineered tank systems use auto-refrigeration to keep pressure and temperature constant, and the natural gas in its liquid state. LNG storage temperatures in full containment tanks typically range from -165 °C to -160 °C (-265 °F to -260 °F), also known as cryogenic conditions.

LNG storage tanks © Mike Mareen / adobe stock

Leak detection

  • Storing highly compressed hazardous media such as LNG requires reliable safety systems. Monitoring temperature profiles using multipoint RTD sensors in strategically positioned areas of the tanks helps locate and mitigate these risks.

Cool-down temperature monitoring

  • Pre-cooling lines and tanks to cryogenic levels before loading helps to prevent vapor generation and thermal stress on the infrastructure. To ensure optimum process conditions, operators require reliable temperature data from the tank bottom, membrane walls and roof.

Our solution

The iTHERM MultiSens Flex TMS01 multipoint assembly with flexible independent sensors offer accurate measurements at cryogenic temperatures.

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  • Easy to select, install and operate

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  • Altamente funcionales y prácticos

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  • Diseñados para aplicaciones exigentes

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Gamas FLEX Excelencia técnica Simplicidad
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Gama Extended

Optimice sus procesos con tecnologías innovadoras

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Gama Xpert

Domine las aplicaciones más exigentes

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